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Natural Medicine

Do you need blogs and SEO content to drive business to your homeopathic remedies?

What ailments does your product or service treat? What types of solutions are normally given to people who suffer from this? Where can I find resources to learn more about your treatment? Do you have any standard clauses that I would need to include? Describe your ideal customer.

The Meditation Station

For the meditation station, I created multiple blogs.  A long pitch, an elevator pitch, discovery questions

Some of these blogs were content-only, while others were SEO driven.  


SEO phrases- I have bolded the text for your convenience.


Bio-Resonance; Scan; pain; Microcurrent, Frequency, Therapy, heal, meditation station

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy

Elevator Pitch

I am a distrubtor of a medical device that was just released in our country in 2019.  It uses frequency and microcurrent therapy to promote the body’s natural healing processes.  I am offering a free Bio-Resonance scan of your Chakra system, I can also run a scan to see which essential oils, gems, proteins or minerals your body is deficient in and I can email you a pdf report.  From there it tells me which therapy programs of the 140 pre-programed in the device it believes I should run to bring your body back to homeostasis.  Each program is a unique program specifically designed for the person using the device.

Depending how many scans we run, the average person takes about 15 minutes to add them into my system and run a free scan.  Did you have a few minutes now or would you like to set up a time for me to come back.


Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy

Long Pitch

Ok so I am going to run a bioresonance scan on you.  The idea behind the bioResonance scan is that your body currently runs at an optimal ph of 7.35-7.45 which converts to about -20 millivolts.  A young and healthy cell is about -70 millivolts and can reproduce properly.  According to the Wolrd Health Organization we omit a field equal to the volts we give off.  My BioResonance machine can read the electromagnetic field around your body.  It will read the frequency patterns within your body and separate them into two categories balanced and unbalanced.   Bacteria, pollen and toxins all emit electromagnetic waves and will come up as imbalanced.  Between -60 and -30 millivolts cells begin to age, where a person may see pain and inflammation, or sickness, as well as wrinkles.  This is a gradual process and starts with a young healthy cell all the way down to where a cell is dying at 0 millivolts.

So I have some choices as to how I want to run your scan.  What are we trying to accomplish?


The first type of scan I can run, and the most popular choice is the aura analysis.  This scan will analyze your chakras and tell you with a chart where you lie on each one percentagewise.  After this it will analyze your information field and gives you insight as to what may be causing the blockage in your chakra.  It will also give you some useful insight as to how to unblock it, such as an essential oil, a precious stone, or affirmations.   At this point we could run a program specifically designed for your chakra that was low.


The second type of scan is a program analysis and is also a very popular choice.  This will run a scan on your system and determine which energy meridian is out of balance.  Then I will run a second scan on that meridian to determine what your body needs the most.  At that point we would choose to run the recommended microcurrent and frequency therapy session for you.  These are as short as 20 minutes and as long as 90 minutes.  Although it gives an estimated time length for your session each session is unique as the device is constantly reanalyzing the frequencies in you have vs the ones you need.  After your body is in balance and no longer needs a frequency it will move on the next one and so on.  The programs contain a melody of 400 different frequencies, each program the frequencies have been carefully selected to meet the criteria of that session.    Within these programs there are two types of sessions, one is the microcurrent session and the other is a session that focuses on the frequencies within the bioenergetic field.   


The microcurrent session is based on the idea that the cells are the most important units in our body, after all each organ is made of cells and we have 70 trillion of them.  Each cell has an electrical membrane potential,  that’s 980 trillion volts in your body right now (70 trillion x 1.4volts).  The cell membrane itself is actually not conductive, the outside of your cell has a positive cell potential, and the intracellular space is negatively charged, this is why we say -90 millivolts.  Within the cell is the mitochondria, which are the power stations within the cell, they have their own membrane and their cell potential is higher -150 millivolts.  A healthy cell will produce ATP in the mitochondria.  ATP or Adensosine Triphosphate is a major source of energy for all cellular reactions in the body.  This drives the creation of key structural proteins such as collagen, and elastin, and it also helps the body to store and use energy.    The microcurrent my device delivers, is the same exact microcurrent that is already used in your body by your body.  This is why it is so effective.  By treating with microcurrent therapy we are able to increase the ATP production in the damaged cells by up to 500 %.   It will also increase the amino acid transport and protein synthesis on the treated area by 30-40%.  Microcurrent therapy can produce a long lasting reduction in pain, lasting several hours, or days after treatment.  Repeated stimulation has been shown to produce greater benefits overtime as the effects of this modality are residual and cumulative in many people. 


The second scan focuses on the bioenergetic field.  Nuno Nina is the brains behind the gold frequencies which are designed to harmonize your body.    MORE ON NUNO NINA (link to blog)


The final type of scan we can run is for a few different well known homeopathic remedies.  My most popular are the Bach Flower Remedies, the Nutritional Analysis, and I-Ching.  Bach Flower uses the energies from different flowers to promote healing.  The Nutritional Analysis  scans your field against a database of 76 substances consisting of amino acids, proteins, and minerals.  Lastly I-Ching is a Chinese divination book, and the answers provided by I-Ching can provide guidance in your decision making processes. 

This device is a medical device and is meant for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, anxiety depression, and sleep disorders.    It is has currently passed medical device, and medical cloud database storage in 55 countries around the world.  It also has many other benefits that are not yet recognized in this country due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional/pharmaceutical medicine. 



What type of scan do you want to run?

Are you pregnant, and do you have a pace maker? – NO

Have hand out ready!

You can plainly see the benefit of using this machine regularly.  I have a few options for you you’re your continued use.  This first Aura analysis is free, but Chakra Sessions are normally $60.00- as I will run your scan and provide you two reports.  I will also provide you some additional things you can do to help unblock your Chakras.  I prefer to do these in person.


A Program Analysis Scan.  I can run this scan remotely, and often preform these as part of my morning routine.  As your presence is not required I charge $10.00 per scan and report.   


The standard price for any microcurrent treatment is $60.00 and we would need to do this in person.  You do may choose any program you wish, the scan is only there to let you know what your body needs.


The homeopathic scan is $25.00 as many clients prefer to buy the remedy, if you choose to run the corresponding program the total Is $35, as these programs are under 10 minutes. 


Looking for a more permanent solution? Rent a Healy from me for $100 per day, or  let me know if you would like to purchase your own Healy.


Interested in selling Healy?

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy

Web Site Home Page Copy


So I am dedicating this website to my journey.


My name is Jessica.  I am in the process of raising my vibrational level and increasing my consciousness.  Ok yes, and I am in a ton of pain, and feeling a lot better would change my life.  That being said, I had a dream one night that I would be able to heal other people using frequency.


Several months ago, I had been playing the solfeggio frequencies at bedtime and noticed a difference in myself.   I first noticed that my sixth sense awareness was heightened and I became more aware of what was going to happen before it happened.   For things like my meetings canceling, I would know in the morning in my gut that someone would cancel.  Or that I would run into someone. 


Then a few months later a friend met me for coffee to show me a device, a new technology that was just introduced in Germany in 2019. This device does exactly that. It enables the body to heal different illnesses and diseases from a cellular level, using Frequency!!! What !!! I immediately needed to know more. She let me borrow it for 3 days. I had been in a car accident for 1 week before getting the device for the first time.  Let me put a disclaimer in here, do not sue me, I am not a doctor, I am a mother of 3.  Let me be more clear, this is a medical device, intended for the treatment of pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraine, depression, anxiety, and a few other things.  I was ecstatic.  She let me borrow it for 3 days.  These 3 days were important as I had just been in a car accident on one of our local highways (417S).  A car had hit a guardrail in the rain and was spinning out, I came up to the top of the hill to see it there and it hit me in the front and again in the back.  According to my MRI report, I have 9 total herniated discs and lots of pages to read, meh. Needless to say, yes I am in a lot of pain currently. 


I guess it’s time to describe a little.  Starting with my neck only turns a little in both directions.  My shoulders are constantly knotted.  My mid back feels like I have constant soreness, and it's best to sit upright with my weight in the middle of my body.  Then my lower back is riddled again with knots. Sciatic pain runs down the outside of my hips and down my right or left leg.  Luckily, it is one or the other. Tremendous hip pain, I can’t sit with my feet in front or underneath me.  Some days I can’t stand fully upright, but most days I can.  I have developed a method for getting out of chairs, and bed, and up from the floor.  I have also developed a method of picking up my baby and putting her down.  Boy does it hurt to hold her, but I wouldn’t give that up for the world.  


Fast forward to now, just to put this in perspective COVID-19 lockdowns have started, and I get home with my new device to borrow for three days, and by day 2 the pain was gone.  I was in shock My husband didn’t know that I had it, but he asked me if I changed my skin routine because I was noticeably younger looking.  Then my friend came and I had to give it back.


A few weeks later the universe brought me the money to buy one, I called my friend, and I ordered the technology for myself.  Then I had another dream.  It was a meditation station.  It was a place to go, to raise your vibration, increase your consciousness level, and heal yourself from the inside out.  This blog was born.


My first few posts will be a brief education of some of the notable Scientists, I intend to have a second section related to holistic uses such as aura photography, chakra balancing, Bach flowers, etc, and a final section with relation to uses and results. 

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station HealyBody Magnetic Field
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station HealyMET vs TENS

BLOG- What Series

Microcurrent Electrical Therapy (MET) vs. TENS

TENS or Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a pain relieving method that uses an electrical current.  It works by applying electricity in voltage only using milliamps to the nerve endings to block the pain signals to the brain.  It focuses on the soft tissues muscles, and connective tissues attached to our skeletal system.  Many people have a small machine with electrodes and a battery pack.  This device has a success rate of 40%-50%.


Microcurrent Therapy uses micro-amps that are 1000 times less current and delivered at an extremely low frequency of .05Hx and a 2,500 times longer pulse width than a TENS kit.   This is the same current that is found naturally in the body.  The Microcurrent Therapy reintroduces the needed current and restores the functions in said cells. Microcurrent Therapy has also been shown to dramatically increase the ATP production in cells and tissues by as much as 500%, and increase amino acid transport and protein synthesis in treated areas by 30%-40%.  Microcurrent Therapy can produce rapid and significant treatment effects within 2-5 minutes of stimulation, and can even treat intense pain problems.  Microcurrent Therapy can produce a long-lasting reduction in pain lasting several hours, days, or after treatment.  Repeated stimulation has been shown to produce greater benefits over time as the effects of this modality are residual and cumulative in many people.


My device uses Frequency Microcurrent therapy, it also has a built-in quantum sensor.  This gives it the ability to do a continual analysis of the client and determine which frequencies are needed.  The device has over 140,000 frequencies loaded with 120 specific programs designed to help our body to address our psyche, aural frequencies, spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical imbalances, and to bring our bodies into equilibrium.  

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy Quantum Entanglement

Blog- What Series


Quantum Entanglement

So I am not a physicist.  I do not like math, so this blog is going to be pretty basic.  I have a feeling, basic is probably the level you are at too with this, however, I encourage you to watch a YouTube video, and go learn about this from a pro, my blogs are here to pique your curiosity to go find out more on your own. 


I have listened to a few videos and have a fairly good grasp of this, so quantum entanglement is when photons and electrons that have a connection with each other can maintain their connection once separated; the two particles connected by intention, if you stimulate one particle the other is simultaneously stimulated. 


This is in line with the law of attraction, which is the belief that if you have negative thoughts you attract more negativity into your life, and if you have positive thoughts you attract more positivity in your life.


Now Einstein wasn’t happy with the idea of quantum entanglement as it meant that his quantum mechanical theory was incomplete.  It also interferes with the theory of relativity, as it would require them to work together.  Eventually, Einstein couldn’t deny there was more happening than he had initially expected, and he described it as spooky action at a distance. 


In 2015 an experiment was done which finally proved quantum entanglement.  Then in 2016, Microsoft, and IBM created quantum computers specifically designed for enthusiasts who want to experiment with quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement. 

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy Quantum Entanglement

BLOG - What Series


Story time!  So the day I had that car accident I mentioned on the home page also happened to be the last day I saw my grandmother not behind glass.  That morning I got a call from my mother asking me to get out to Kissimmee right away.  My grandmother is 83 years old, and no longer able to walk.  This day was a bad day for her, as she had fallen again trying to use the restroom.  We had the ambulance come get her, and she moved into a rehabilitation and skilled nursing home.  This is during COVID-19, so we the family are not able to get in to see her. 

She has now been living there for almost 2 months, and we have taken over taking care of her dog.  Her dog, Gino, on some days and Dino on others, is about 14 years old, but she doesn’t know for sure.  He is a very skiddish Italian greyhound.   We are a very different family for him I have 2 kids under 10, he just lived his whole life with 3 adults over 60.    We decided he would be Dino, and he seemed to have a new lease on life playing with the kids, he especially loves the baby.  Then I came home from running a few errands and Dino’s skin had all broken out.  It looked terrible, and he was so itchy.  Sadly, my mother thought he had mites, and saw an online remedy about apple cider vinegar, she put it on him and we went back out.  When I came home the poor dog looked like this.(Photo)

We gave him a quick bath to get any remnants off of him, and I called my friend who was able to run a remote BioResonance scan on the dog.  The scan came up that we needed to run the gold program.  I put the gold program on him, and it ran for 60 minutes while Dino hid under the bed.  Little electrodes strapped to his doggie paws.  When the timer was up I called him out and took them off.  He stayed in bed for several hours after that.  When he finally came out, his skin was noticeably better. 


The next morning he looked even better. 

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy

Blog- What Series

Veterinary uses

So after the very successful treatment of our little friend Dino, I decided to look into veterinary uses.  This is what I have found. 

Just as in humans trauma or disease will affect the electrical potential or voltage in the damaged cells of pets.  The injured site initially has a higher electrical resistance, and as basic physics dictates electricity flows towards the path of least resistance, which in the case of injury is normally around d the injury.  By applying microcurrent, it allows the body’s bio-energy center to enter the damaged site and continue the healing.  Therefore, the microcurrent therapy was only the catalyst, that began the body’s natural healing process.  Microcurrent therapy is designed to work by mimicking the body’s bioelectrical system and restoring our natural homeostasis, thus restoring our natural healing ability. 


Just as humans see improvement with chronic pain and allergies, so do pets.   This can be a wonderful drug-free tool for pet owners to use to help their pets through arthritis pain, as well as everyday allergies like Dino had. 


After a quick search, I found several vets that use either a microcurrent technique or a bioresonance technique as part of their practice.

BLOG- Who is Series

Who is Marcus Schmieke

Marcus Schmieke is the inventor of TimeWaver systems.  Born in Germany in 1966, he studied physics and philosophy in Heidelberg and Hanover.  In his youth, he idolized pioneers in quantum physics like Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, and Werner Heisenberg.  He learned that everything is new and quantum physics gives a completely new vision of who we are, what our body is, and how our body connects with the mind.  During his physics studies, he decided to spend some time as a monk, where he studied Vedic philosophy and architecture.  During this time he realized that the problems facing natural sciences could not be solved without considering natural laws, and universal principles about nature and its self-sustaining abilities.  He developed a vision of the interaction between matter and consciousness.  


In 1994 Marcus was inspired by a meeting with Burkard Heim, a German physicist.  He examined Heims's model of the 12-dimensional structure of the universe and gained an in-depth understanding of a field that includes energetic and conscious space.  In 1997 he published “The Fields of Life” which is the first book where he is discussing an “information field”.  According to Marcus, he learned two very important lessons in quantum physics, the first is that the basis of matter is not only energy but information.  The information level of the body is what he calls the “information field”. The second is every person has an “information field” and each quantum system has a specific resonance frequency and if you find the frequencies, you can change the energetic and material state.  Similarly, as if you find the right frequency of photons or an atom it can be brought to a state of excitement and make connections.  When the proper frequency for a person is found, it can make them happy, healthy, and wealthy.  It is about balance.  Marcus found that if a person becomes out of balance, that is when they develop the disease.  He then realized that the strongest application of the information fields and frequency technology is for mental health, physical health, and the treatment of psychological diseases. In 2007, he produced the first TimeWaver, and it took another 4-5 years to have it certified as a medical device.  One of the main goals was to create a technology that is completely free of side effects.


They started using it only in German-speaking countries as it is a bulky device and the professionals needed training.  However, because Marcus believes that language is universal and that is science, he has received medical certification for his devices in 20 countries outside of the European Union and the US.  The medication certification processes are based on science and clinical studies.  For this type of imbalance, he applies frequency to treat them. 


In 2014, Marcus teamed up with an investor to help reach more people.  Together they decided their vision would be: To invest in research and the development of products based on quantum physics for the health of the people. 

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy Marcus Schmieke Time Waver
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy Nuno Nina Gold Frequencies

BLOG- Who is Series

Who Is Nuno Nina?

Nuno Nina is an expert in mathematics, engineering, and biochemistry and is a world-leading specialist in Integrative Medicine.  His home is in Portugal, however, is the head of 7 international clinics for Integrative medicine and cell biology. 


Nuno Nina believes that the body and cells have an information field in which they communicate, and he believes that they do that via electric frequencies.  He hypothesizes that every organ has its spectrum of resonant frequencies, and those frequencies are different for every individual and will need to be updated at the moment to access the information in the field.  He believes we can read this field to detect and dissolve disease and emotional trauma.


He has collected and categorized over 130,000 frequencies and has assigned them to different disease patterns.  He calls these frequencies the “Gold frequencies” and many people all over the world can benefit from his work.

BLOG- Who is Series

Who Is Bjorn Nordenstrom?

Bjorn Nordenstrom started in the 1950s as a Swedish radiologist and surgeon. His accomplishments grew and he became Head of Diagnostic Radiology at Karolinska Institutem, of Stockholm, Sweden.   He authored or co-authored over 150 publications on radiology, electrobiology, and pharmacology.  He became a member of the Nobel Assembly in Medicine and Physics from 1967 through 1986 and served as the President of the Assembly in 1985. He was awarded the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award by the People’s Republic of China due to his work on tumor regression.


He believed there was basically, another circulatory system where continuous energy and currents circulate throughout the body and support the body in its natural healing abilities.  He found that this electric system supports the metabolism, growth, regulation, and immune responses.  He developed an electrotherapeutic technique for the treatment of cancer and hemangioma tumors.  His work expanded to include wound healing and other forms of visual disease such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt’s disease, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and neuropathy.


After years of very careful experimentation and analysis, he concluded that the defects on an X-Ray such as streaks, spikes, and coronas of lung tumors were the result of water movement and changes in the electric field. From this insight, he concludes that this can be used therapeutically.


All body processes have an electromagnetic component.  This is known because all matter is made of molecules formed out of atoms which are particles of protons and electrons.   The electromagnetic component is based on the differences in the molecule.  Nordstrom has shown that our body is an entire complex system of eddy currents (Eddy currents (also called Foucault's currents) are loops of electrical current induced within conductors by a changing magnetic field in the conductor according to Faraday's law of induction.-Wikipedia).  He notices that areas of tissue damage, fracture, inflammation, tumors, or other abnormalities also have abnormalities in their electric current and thus the electromagnetic field. 


Research in wound healing for the last 150 years, has shown that an injury site has a positive electrical potential, concerning the surrounding uninjured tissue.  Nordenstrom realized that a wound or a tumor had a considerable amount of cell degradation (lysis) occurring at its center making this region positively charged and highly acidic.  The positive electric potential at the center of the wound or tumor can produce a current in an electrically conductive medium.  Like most cells, white blood cells possess a negative surface charge.  From the standpoint of the immune system, the positive potential at the center of the injury or tumor tends to assist the immunological response by attracting the white blood cells to that location.  Electron transfer occurs in the membranes of the capillaries that are under the influence of the electric field

 Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station HealyBjorn Nordenstrom body electric currents
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy Robert O Becker believed electric fields helped with regeneration

BLOG- Who is Series

Who is Robert O Becker?

Robert Becker was a professor at a Medical Center at SUNY Syracuse.  He also was the Director of Orthopedic Surgery at the VA Hospital in Syracuse NY.  Becker studied regeneration in salamanders and toads after lesions, such as limb amputation.  


He believed that electric fields played an important function in the regeneration process.  He mapped out the electric potentials at various points in the body during the regeneration process, which showed that the central part of the body was normally positive and the limbs were normally negative.  He found that regeneration could be improved by applying electricity to the wound when there was a negative potential outside the amputation stub.  He also found that bone has piezoelectric properties (the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress) and can have a dramatic healing effect when a healing current is applied.  Becker also described potentials and magnetic fields in the nervous system.  Becker measured along the skin’s surface and proved accuracy in the Meridians used in Acupuncture.  He could take into account things like earth’s magnetism, and solar winds. He was an advocate for electromagnetic pollution and radiation coming from things like cell phones.


Becker hypothesized that electricity is vital to life and an important ingredient in the healing process of all life forms. 


His book The Body Electric is a must-read for anyone interested in the scientific basis for the Eastern philosophies that explain that healing health and biology happens in terms of energy.   His research went largely unfunded.

BLOG- Who is Series

Who is Dr. Jerry Tennant?

Dr. Jerry Tennant started as an Ophthalmologist, who had been involved in the research and development of laser surgery for use in his thriving clinic in the early 1990s when he contracted Encephalitis.  At the time they did not realize that the laser did not kill the viruses, in just a short amount of time the virus settled in his brain and made him very ill. His brain was exhausted, he had difficulty concentrating and would need at least 16 hours a day of sleep.  During his awake hours, Dr. Tennent decided he would get better on his own. 


He read every cellular biology book he could find.  He realized that chronic disease only happens when you lose the ability to make cells work. 


He saw that the pH of the healthy cells was higher and that the cells wear out, then it takes twice as much voltage to make a new one as it did to maintain an old one.


Cells are designed to run at a pH of 7.35-7.45.  A pH is simply a measurement of voltage in a solution.  The pH of 7.35 is =to -20 millivolts and the pH of 7.45 is -25 millivolts.  Healing happens at a voltage.  Cells need to be -25 millivolts of electricity to function properly.  They need to have a voltage of -50 millivolts of electricity to make new cells.  All chronic disease is characterized by having inadequate voltage.  Our cells are constantly wearing out and we are constantly making new ones.  Here is a chart with cell type and turnover time-

Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy Jerry Tennant cell ph and organ relationship
ToCharismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy oth Organ Relationship chart
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Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
Charismatic Copywriter Meditation Station Healy
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